A Method to Get A Free SSL for Your Website

Do you get “Not Secure” information when you wonder around on a specific website?

When this appears, it indicates that the website you are checking does not have a certificate on it and the connection between your browser and the website is not connected in an encrypted way.

Now if you want to change this “Not secure” message into the secure lock symbol, you need to get an SSL for your website.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital security certificate that protects the information that goes from the user internet browser to the site they are going to and vice versa. It makes sure that the information moved in between your site and your visitor is safe when you have SSL on your website.

Likewise, when your visitors see the lock sign on your website, it will make your visitors trust your site.

How to get a Free SSL for your WordPress Website?

#1. Create a Cloudflare Account

Go to Cloudflare and create your own account. As soon as you click sign up, it will take you to the page where you can create the Cloudflare account Now 

#2. Add your website to Cloudflare

Enter your website URL and Click add asite, choose free plan

#3. Change your nameservers

In order to connect Cloudflare to your domain, we need to add these nameservers as shown in the image to your domain. So to add these nameservers, you need to first, log in to your domain provider’s website and then change the default Nameservers to the ones that Cloudflare provides.

#4. Install the Cloudflare plugin in WordPress

Go to Plugin->Add new

Search for Cloudflare Flexible SSL

Don’t forget to install and activate the plugin.

#5. Enable SSL in Cloudflare

Now the final step is to enable SSL in Cloudflare. Click Edge Certificate under SSL/TLS, scroll down to ‘always use https’ And then turn it on. Now as soon as you turn this on, your website will now be secured with SSL.

And that is how you can get a free SSL for your WordPress website.